Sunday, August 16, 2009

South Park Doujinishi

Clips to Mobile Phones Long Distance Relationship

"urgently return to the origins of cinema: the improvisation." Luis Garcia Berlanga

EUtopia FESTIVAL 2009

21 to September 25 from 9:00 am to 14:00 pm Hall Youth Hostel Cathedral of Cordoba.

This workshop for the International Festival of Young Creation Eutopia reflects one of the latest trends in contemporary digital creation, using one of the tools that have revolutionized business communication, cultural and interpersonal citizenship and institutions: mobile phone.

is a workshop that uses mobile phones as a reference but wants to implement several ideas related to democratization that occurs with technological means. For this we shall present director Alberto Tognazzi Film Fest Mobile and different team members .

Movil Film Fest was founded with the goal of becoming a showcase for trends, new artists a platform and meeting point between audiovisual professionals and the general public. It challenges and production technology for the format and special conditions that have, and opens the door to a new visual language, the aesthetics of the phone, which heads the list of new audiovisual trends.

Registration is open join us!

- Date deadline is September 13.

- enrollment rate: 10 €

- + PC registration fee: 110 € (Full board includes room and board from Monday 21, entrance to the food, to Friday, 25, food output in the Youth Hostel in Córdoba).

- Accommodation extra for Friday 25 and / or Saturday 26: 35 € / day.

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