Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Kamehasutra Comic

Guadalupe del Conde de Oropesa.

No sooner had rested the Count of Oropesa after his return to the palace, when he stated his desire to go to Guadalupe to present action thanks to the Virgin Mary for having saved in many difficult battles and trances as he passed.

(...) No stay in the palace but the people must, announced, so get ready all over the world to do the walk, we have much to thank God.

was September 2 and we left Oropesa the entourage accompanying the counts on the road to the south. First came the villagers, servants, grooms, maids, gardeners and shepherds were the banners and banners of the house, carried by the principal gentlemen with their wives and children if they would and the ladies of the entourage, and then walked the servants of the palace, stewards, waiters and waitresses, the butler and the pages and behind the Count with his sons and close relatives and, closing the procession, a number of monks, secular clergy, sexton, acolytes and altar boys carrying liturgical insignia, crosses, candlesticks, votive offerings and flags. To all the staff were road and mules loaded with wagons and cattle to the tops of mattresses, tents, pots, pans and crockery of all kinds, as well as the food needed to feed the pilgrims along the way and once they arrive Guadalupe ....

Jesus Sanchez captain.

Recalling the way that made the Conde de Oropesa to thank the Virgin saved him so many difficult battles, will be held on March 20 in Guadeloupe this commemoration.

A medieval representation with street musicians, stilt walkers, ballads ... which will make Guadalupe a few hours to relive those moments in the Middle Ages.


March 19.
  • Departure of pilgrims from Oropesa to Guadalupe.

March 20. 17:00
  • Entry Count of Oropesa and his entourage on Calle Real.
  • exchange banners of different locations. Brief speeches
  • Prior of Royal Monastery D. Fray Guillermo Cerrato, Mayor of Guadalupe D. Rubio Modesto Tadeo, Councillor of Culture and Tourism, Ms. Maria Teresa Fernandez Oropesa Blanco and Antonio Davila, president of the Association of the Camino Real de Guadalupe.
  • Music by the group of ballads "Otobesa." Animation
  • medieval musicians, stilt walkers, ballads ...


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